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Paint & Mandala Rocks


How to Clean Your Acrylic Tools

Acrylic plastic dotting tools won’t stain, rust like metal or swell like wood can. They can, however, build up paint residue. Since the dotting tools are so easy to clean, the tips are few!


  • Warm soapy water will remove most paint remnants. Use a damp cloth. Soak the tools in the soapy water for stubborn paint. Rinse before using again.
  • If paint still remains, try household rubbing alcohol on a paper towel. Give the tools a wipe down. If you prefer, place the tools in a container or plastic bag with the rubbing alcohol and let them soak for a few minutes. Remove the tools, rinse and dry with a soft cloth or paper towel.
  • Don’t use abrasive scrub pads as they can scratch the tools.


  • Do not use chemicals like finger nail polish remover, lacquer thinner, Acetone, or paint strippers. These will create permanent damage.

These dotting tools are very durable and easy to maintain with just a little effort!


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